
    Social Distancing Device Using Ultrasonic sensor And Arduino

    Introduction In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, maintaining social distancing has become crucial to prevent the spread of the…

    ESP32 DS18B20 Digital Temperature Sensor

    Introduction In this tutorial, we will learn how to interface the DS18B20 Sensor With the ESP32 Devkit Development Board. if…

    Solar Voltage Tracker Using Arduino

    Introduction in this article, we measure the solar power monitoring system using Arduino. we measured the parameters like solar panel…

    DTMF Based Robot Car Using GSM Module

    Introduction In present days almost all people are familiar with robots. Robots will play a vital role in human life.…

    Ultrasonic Sensor (HC-SR04)

    Introduction In This Article, we will discuss the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor the ultrasonic sensor is measuring the distance with respect…

    GSM SIM800l Module

    Introduction The GSM SIM800L module is compact Size and is used in various Projects. The gsm module operates in only…

    IoT Based Smart Wheelchair For Disabled People

    Introduction In This Tutorial, we will present a multifunction smart wheelchair for disabled people along with voice Command. The Wheelchair…

    Smart Dustbin With ESP8266 And GPS

    Introduction In this article, we will explain how to create a Smart Dustbin using a few components like a 16×2…

    Arduino ultrasonic sensor Relay

    Introduction In This Tutorial, We Are Going To Learn How You Make Your Own Automatic Light Control with the help…

    Understand LIN Communication Protocol

    Introduction The Local Interconnect Network (LIN) protocol is a widely used communication standard primarily designed for automotive applications. It provides…

    ESP32 LM35 Temperature Sensor

    Introduction  In this Article, we interface the LM35 Sensor with the ESP32 Board And Display the Reading in the serial…

    Gas And Temperature Monitoring With Arduino

    Introduction In today’s fast-paced world, the need for remote monitoring and control systems has become increasingly important. Monitoring temperature and…

    Digital Temperature Monitoring With DS18B20 Sensor & Arduino

    Introduction Temperature monitoring is essential in various applications, such as weather monitoring, industrial processes, and home automation. This article presents…

    Home Security System Using Ultrasonic Sensor With GSM

    Introduction In this article, we will make a project based on the security system and we will guide you in…

    Understand SPI Communication Protocol

    Introduction The Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) is a widely adopted synchronous communication protocol that enables the exchange of data between…

    Smart Shopping Cart Using EM-18 RFID And NodeMCU

    Introduction In this Tutorial, We make a smart shopping cart using RFID readers and RFID cards with NodeMCU.The cart will…

    Smart Dustbin With New Blynk App Using ESP8266

    Introduction  In this tutorial, we will make a smart Dustbin using the help of an HC-SR04 (ultrasonic) sensor, IR Sensor…

    IoT Based Vehicle Parking With ESP8266

    Introduction  In this tutorial, we are Going to make an intelligent car parking Assitance System. Now in daily life, we…

    DHT11,DHT22 Sensor

    Introduction In this article, we interface The DHT11  temperature and humidity sensor is commonly used in college projects to find…

    Water Pump Control With Missed Call Using Arduino

    Introduction In This tutorial, we make a gsm-based smart motor controlling System. we controlling the water pump motor using the…

    DS18B20 Sensor Arduino Tutorial

    Overview In This Tutorial, I will show how you interface the DS18B20 Sensor With Arduino Nano Microcontroller And How You…

    Floor Cleaning Robot Using Arduino

    Introduction In This Article, we explain how to make your own floor-cleaning robot in your home, we just need a…

    Soil Moisture Sensor with Arduino

    Overview In This Tutorial, I will show how you interface the Moisture Sensor With Arduino Nano Microcontroller And How You…

    Line Follower Robot Using Arduino & RC-522 RFID

    Introduction Industrial line follower robots play a crucial role in automated systems, allowing them to navigate and perform tasks efficiently.…

    Fingerprint Based Door Lock Using Bluetooth

    Introduction In this article, we will be creating a fingerprint-based door lock system using Arduino Uno And Bluetooth HC-05 module.…

    Temperature Monitoring System Using MLX90614 Sensor & Arduino

    Introduction This article presents a detailed guide on building a temperature monitoring system using an Arduino Nano, an IR sensor,…

    LED Blink With ESP32 and Blynk

    Introduction In this Project, We Will Build A Small Home Automation System using ESP32 And the Blynk App. we will…

    IoT Projects


      Smart Irrigation System Using New Blynk App

      Introduction  Hi Everyone, in this project we will discuss an IOT-based irrigation System using the new Blynk app. The smart irrigation…

      MQ2 Gas Leakage Detection With Blynk Notification

      Introduction  In This Tutorial, We Are Going To Learn How You Make Your Own GAS Detector With MQ-2 Sensor And…

      How To Make A Wifi Car Using NodeMCU

      Introduction In This Tutorial, We going to make a WiFi Controller Car Using ESP8266. We just Control the Car With…

      Grass Cutting Robot With ESP8266

      Introduction Hi everyone, welcome to JustDoElectronics.in this project, we build a grass-cutting robot using the Blynk app. the robot cuts…

      IoT Based Vehicle Parking With ESP8266

      Introduction  In this tutorial, we are Going to make an intelligent car parking Assitance System. Now in daily life, we…

      RC-522 RFID Interfacing With ARDUINO, ESP8266 & ESP32

      Introduction Hi, In this tutorial, we will Interfacing The RC-522 RFID Module To Arduino Nano, ESP8266 And ESP32 Microcontroller. We…

      WIFI Control Car With ESP8266 And Blynk2.0 App

      Introduction  Hi Everyone, In this Tutorial, we will make a wifi-based control car Based on the New Blynk2.0 App. Nowadays…

      EM-18 RFID Interfacing With Arduino, ESP8266 & ESP32

      Introduction In this tutorial, we will Interface with the EM-18 RFID module using Arduino Nano, ESP8266, and ESP32 board. Overview…

      IoT Based Smart Wheelchair For Disabled People

      Introduction In This Tutorial, we will present a multifunction smart wheelchair for disabled people along with voice Command. The Wheelchair…

      Smart Dustbin With New Blynk App Using ESP8266

      Introduction  In this tutorial, we will make a smart Dustbin using the help of an HC-SR04 (ultrasonic) sensor, IR Sensor…

      Weight Scale With ESP8266 & Blynk App

      Introduction Hi, In this tutorial, we will make IOT Based weighting scale with HX711 Module, load cell & ESP8266 Board.…

      Smart Shopping Cart Using EM-18 RFID And NodeMCU

      Introduction In this Tutorial, We make a smart shopping cart using RFID readers and RFID cards with NodeMCU.The cart will…

      what's new


        IoT Based Fingerprint Biometric Attendance System using NodeMCU

        Introduction  In this article, I will explain to you how to build an IoT-based Fingerprint biometric attendance system using NodeMCU(ESP8266).0.96”…

        DIY Ventilator Using Arduino

        Introduction In This Blog, I will Explain DIY Ventilators and How You Make Them. I will explain all the things…

        Security Alarm Using PIR Sensor With GSM

        Introduction In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating a security alarm system using an Arduino…

        Temperature and Humidity monitoring with Blynk Cloud

        Introduction In this Tutorial, we discuss about DIY weather stations That Monitor temperature and humidity Values and view them on…

        Quectel EC200U 4G GSM Module

        Introduction In this article, I try to explain the Quectel EC200U 4G GSM Module and Interfacing with Arduino And ESP32…

        Smart Electricity Energy Meter With ESP32 & Blynk 2.0

        Introduction  In this project, we build an IoT-based Smart Energy meter Using ESP32 Board and a new Blynk 2.0 application.…

        Gas Leakage Detector With SMS Alert

        Introduction Gas leaks can pose significant risks in various environments, from homes to industrial facilities. To ensure safety and prevent…

        Fingerprint Door Lock System

        Introduction In today’s world, security plays a crucial role in our everyday lives. One innovative solution is a fingerprint door…

        ZMPT101B Voltage Sensor

        Introduction The ZMPT101B is a voltage sensor commonly used in electronic projects to measure alternating current (AC) voltages. It is…

        How To Make A Wifi Car Using NodeMCU

        Introduction In This Tutorial, We going to make a WiFi Controller Car Using ESP8266. We just Control the Car With…

        Flex Sensor Interfacing With Arduino

        Introduction In this tutorial, we learn about flex sensors and their interfacing with Arduino nano microcontroller. we also interfacing 16×2…

        Car Parking System Using Arduino

        Introduction In this article, we will explore creating a car parking system using an Arduino microcontroller board, an I2C 20×4…

        Getting Started With Arduino

        Introduction Hi Everyone I Know you have learned so much about Arduino, But I will try to Explain Arduino in…

        Vehicle Accident Alert System Using ADXL-335 Sensor

        Introduction In this article, we demonstrate a Vehicle Accident Alert System that utilizes the ADXL-335 accelerometer sensor, GSM module, and…

        Laser Security System Using Arduino

        Introduction In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating a laser security system using readily available…

        Ignition System Using Fingerprint And Alcohol Sensor

        Introduction In this article, we will Explain how to create a bike ignition system using the Fingerprint R307 sensor, And…

        Gas And Temperature Monitoring With Arduino

        Introduction In today’s fast-paced world, the need for remote monitoring and control systems has become increasingly important. Monitoring temperature and…

        ESP32 DS18B20 Digital Temperature Sensor

        Introduction In this tutorial, we will learn how to interface the DS18B20 Sensor With the ESP32 Devkit Development Board. if…

        Flood Monitoring System Using ESP8266

        Introduction In this article, we will explore the design and implementation of a Flood Monitoring System using various components such…

        IoT Based Temperature Monitoring System Using ESP32 With Blynk App

        Introduction The Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized various industries, enabling the development of smart and interconnected systems. In this…

        Home Automation Using Esp8266 & Blynk2.0 App

        Introduction In This Project, You Learn Full Home Automation using blank App & NodeMcu(esp8266). This Project is the Most Common…

        Water Level Sensor Arduino Tutorial

        Overview In This Tutorial, I will show how you interface the Water Level Sensor With Arduino Nano Microcontroller And How…

        Understand LIN Communication Protocol

        Introduction The Local Interconnect Network (LIN) protocol is a widely used communication standard primarily designed for automotive applications. It provides…

        RFID Based Attendance System using Arduino, RTC & LCD Display

        Introduction  In this project, we are going to build an RFID-based attendance system using Arduino nano. The RFID-based attendance system…

        DTMF Home Automation Using Arduino And GSM

        Introduction Home automation has gained significant popularity due to its ability to enhance convenience and control over household appliances. In…

        Sign Language To Speech Conversion

        Introduction In this Project, we demonstrate a unique project that converts sign language into audible speech using flex sensors. By…

        Smart Shopping Cart Using EM-18 RFID And NodeMCU

        Introduction In this Tutorial, We make a smart shopping cart using RFID readers and RFID cards with NodeMCU.The cart will…

        Dam Monitoring System Using Arduino

        Introduction Photo Credit By- punekarnews During the rainy season, floods are very natural to occur. But if they occur heavily…

        Weight Scale With ESP8266 & Blynk App

        Introduction Hi, In this tutorial, we will make IOT Based weighting scale with HX711 Module, load cell & ESP8266 Board.…

        Smart Dustbin With ESP8266 And GPS

        Introduction In this article, we will explain how to create a Smart Dustbin using a few components like a 16×2…

        Small GPS Tracker using arduino

        Introduction In this article, we make a small GPS tracking device using Arduino pro mini. this device includes a Lithium…

        Home Security System Using Ultrasonic Sensor With GSM

        Introduction In this article, we will make a project based on the security system and we will guide you in…

        Soil Moisture Sensor with Arduino

        Overview In This Tutorial, I will show how you interface the Moisture Sensor With Arduino Nano Microcontroller And How You…

        GPS Tracker Using Arduino

        Introduction In this article, I design a simple GPS tracking System using the Arduino Nano, GSM(Sim800l) and GPS(NEO-6m). GPS tracker is…

        PZEM-004T AC Multi-function Electric Energy Power Monitor

        Introduction In This Article, we learn about the PZEM-004T AC Multi-function Electric Energy  Power Monitor the Sensor versatile and cost-effective…

        MQ2 Gas Leakage Detection With Blynk Notification

        Introduction  In This Tutorial, We Are Going To Learn How You Make Your Own GAS Detector With MQ-2 Sensor And…

        Temperature + Water Level Indicator With GSM And Arduino

        Introduction Efficient water management is crucial in various applications, including agriculture, irrigation, and industrial processes. In this project, we will…

        Line Follower Robot Using Arduino & RC-522 RFID

        Introduction Industrial line follower robots play a crucial role in automated systems, allowing them to navigate and perform tasks efficiently.…

        Home Automation Using ESP8266

        Introduction  In this project, we learn how to make a Home Automation System using Blynk & ESP8266. One of the…

        Smart City Project Using Arduino

        Overview In This Project, I will Show You How to make a Smart City Using The Arduino Nano Board. I…

        Attendance System Using EM-18 Module,GSM Module And Arduino

        Introduction In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating an attendance system using an Arduino Nano…

        XIAO ESP32S3 CAM Based Surveillance Car

        Introduction  In This Article, We design the Surveillance Robot Car using the XIAO ESP32S3 CAM Module. We control the Robot…

        Temperature Monitoring System Using MLX90614 Sensor & Arduino

        Introduction This article presents a detailed guide on building a temperature monitoring system using an Arduino Nano, an IR sensor,…

        MQ-3 Sensor With Arduino

        Overview The MQ-3 sensor is widely used to detect alcohol vapour concentrations. By interfacing the MQ-3 sensor with an Arduino…

        Rain Sensor Arduino Tutorial

        Overview In This Tutorial, I will show how you interface the Rain Sensor With Arduino Nano Microcontroller And How You…

        IoT Based Smart Wheelchair For Disabled People

        Introduction In This Tutorial, we will present a multifunction smart wheelchair for disabled people along with voice Command. The Wheelchair…

        Arduino ultrasonic sensor Relay

        Introduction In This Tutorial, We Are Going To Learn How You Make Your Own Automatic Light Control with the help…

        Home Automation With Raspberry Pi Pico W

        Introduction Hi Welcome To Our Website www.justdoelectronics.com, In This Blog, I will Explain Raspberry Pi Pico Based Home Automation. You…

        Sign Language to Text Conversion Using Flex Sensor

        Introduction In this article, I explain how I made an Arduino-based Sign Language to Text Conversion project to help Deaf…

        DC Motor Control Using L298N & Arduino

        Introduction DC motors are widely used in various applications that require precise control of rotation. To control the direction and…

        Temperature Based Fan Speed Controll

        Introduction In This Article, We try to Build Temperature Based Fan Speed control with the Help Of the DHT11 Sensor…

        Water Pump Control With Missed Call Using Arduino

        Introduction In This tutorial, we make a gsm-based smart motor controlling System. we controlling the water pump motor using the…

        Password Based Door Lock Security System Using Arduino

        Introduction In This Tutorial, we will show the keypad-based security system. this system is required for our home or office…

        How To Make A DIY Arduino Joystick Control Car

        Introduction  Hi Friend Welcome Back, In this Article, we designed an RF Small Robot car with the help of an…

        MQ-2 Sensor Arduino Tutorial

        Overview In This Tutorial, I will show how you interface the MQ-2 Sensor With Arduino Nano Microcontroller And How You…

        LM35 Temperature Sensor Arduino Tutorial

        Overview In This Tutorial, I will just show Thw how you interface the LM35 Sensor With Arduino Nano Microcontroller And…

        Understand CAN Communication Protocol

        Introduction The Controller Area Network (CAN) protocol is a widely used communication protocol in the automotive and industrial automation industries.…

        Basic of MQTT Protocol

        Introduction In the realm of the Internet of Things (IoT) and machine-to-machine (M2M) communication, the need for an efficient and…

        Fingerprint Based Voting System Using Arduino

        Introduction In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating a secure and user-friendly voting system using…

        How to make a WIFI controlled car using ESP32 and Blynk App

        Introduction Hi friends, welcome back. In this tutorial, we will make a small robot car controlled by the ESP32 Board.…

        IoT Based Patient Health Monitoring System Using ESP32 And Blynk App

        Introduction The Internet of Things technology has led to the development of various innovative solutions for healthcare. In this article,…

        30+ DIY Projects Using Arduino Nano Development Boards

        Introduction In this article, I will guide how you make 30+ DIY projects using these Arduino Nano Development Boards. This…

        Smart Shopping Cart with Automatic Billing System using Arduino

        Introduction  In this article, we design a smart shopping cart with an automatic billing system. This automated payment system consists…

        Smart Shopping Cart Using RFID & Arduino

        Introduction In this Tutorial, we will build a Smart shopping cart with an EM-18 RFID Module And Arduino. This project…

        GSM Based Water Level Monitoring System Using Arduino

        Overview of Project In This Project, We Make a water level monitoring System using Arduino Nano microcontroller and Gsm-based. Water…

        Motion Detection Using Ultrasonic Sensor

        Introduction In this article, we will explore how to create a motion detection system using an Arduino Nano, an ultrasonic…

        RC522 RFID And GSM Based Attendance System

        Introduction In this article, we create an attendance system using the RC522 RFID module and GSM technology. This system will…

        DS18B20 Sensor Arduino Tutorial

        Overview In This Tutorial, I will show how you interface the DS18B20 Sensor With Arduino Nano Microcontroller And How You…

        IoT Based Vehicle Parking With ESP8266

        Introduction  In this tutorial, we are Going to make an intelligent car parking Assitance System. Now in daily life, we…

        RC-522 RFID Interfacing With ARDUINO, ESP8266 & ESP32

        Introduction Hi, In this tutorial, we will Interfacing The RC-522 RFID Module To Arduino Nano, ESP8266 And ESP32 Microcontroller. We…

        Solar Tracking System Using Arduino

        Introduction In this article, we design a simple solar tracking project and make a small power bank to charge our…

        Fingerprint Based Door Lock Using Bluetooth

        Introduction In this article, we will be creating a fingerprint-based door lock system using Arduino Uno And Bluetooth HC-05 module.…

        How to Set Up Raspberry Pi

        Introduction The Raspberry Pi is a powerful single-board computer with improved performance and enhanced capabilities compared to its predecessors. This…

        Raspberry Pi Pico W Getting Started Tutorial

        Overview In this Tutorial, We Learn All About the Raspberry Pi Pico W Microcontroller. In this Board, Raspberry Pi Funduction…
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