Esp32 Projects

Temperature and Humidity monitoring with Blynk Cloud

Temperature and Humidity monitoring with Blynk Cloud Using ESP32 Board


In this Tutorial, we discuss about DIY weather stations That Monitor temperature and humidity Values and view them on Your Device (laptop/Mobile) The system is Based on ESP32.

To Collect Temperature And Humidity Data of the surroundings and display them on the Blynk app.

Temperature and Humidity monitoring with Blynk Cloud1

For this purpose, we used the DHT11 Sensor Module that measures those two parameters temperature and humidity.

If you don’t know how the DHT11 Sensor works Then Fist Check The Tutorial.

Bill Of Materials




Link To Buy


ESP32 Board



DHT11 Sensor



Zero Pcb



Female Header



ESP32 Board

  • The ESP32 Board Is Integrated with Wi-Fi And Dual-Core, Low Power Bluetooth, Low  Power Consumption, and High performance.
  • ESP32 Is a small board With many pins available To Connect to the input and output Devices.
  • Compared to the Esp8266 Board, so many Analog pins are Available On the ESP32 Board and it Takes Low Power.

ESP32 Baord

DHT11 Sensor

DHT11 is a Humidity and Temperature Sensor, which generates a calibrated digital output.DHT11 is a low-cost humidity and temperature sensor that provides high reliability and long-term stability.

DHT11 Sensor 1


  • Power Supply: 3.3-5V DC
  • Output: 3 pins (Digital Form)
  • Range: Humidity 20-90%RH,Temperature 0~50℃
  • Accuracy: Humidity +-5%RH,Temperature +-2℃
  • Resolution: Humidity 1%RH, Temperature 1℃

Here we design the proper Hardware with ESP32 Board And DHT11 Sensor.

Temperature and Humidity monitoring with Blynk Cloud3

Circuit Diagram

In this circuit diagram, we attach the DHT11 Sensor Pin Number D14 to the ESP32 Board.

ESP32 With MicroPython2

Blynk App Setup

Go to the Website and first time login to the page you might need to create an account give your email and create the password you want.

If you already have an account you just sign in using the credentials. then you will have a page as shown in the figure below.

Blynk App

Give your new template name, and Specify the hardware and connectivity you will be using. For my projects, we are using the ESP32, and we Select the hardware as ESP32 Dev Board and the connectivity type as WiFi.

Screenshot 2024 01 06 at 1.43.09 PM

Set up The Datastream Like This:

  • TempeatureVirtual Pin: V0
  • Data Type: Double
  • Units: Celsius
  • Min/Max:0/100

Screenshot 2024 01 06 at 1.43.23 PM

Set up The Datastream Like This:

  • Humidity Virtual Pin: V1
  • Data Type: Double
  • Units: %
  • Min/Max:0/100

Screenshot 2024 01 06 at 1.43.34 PM

Now Go to your project in the Blynk app and it’s time to check your dashboard. Now just Copy the BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN Number and paste it into an ESP32 Code.

Screenshot 2024 01 06 at 1.43.49 PM


GitHub e1697076839430

Project Explanation

Now we Install the program Turn ON the system and wait for the wifi connectivity and the display temperature and humidity value in the Blynk App webserver.

Temperature and Humidity monitoring with Blynk Cloud2


Interfacing DHT11 Sensor With Arduino :- Click Here


Hi, Prateek Here I’m interested in Electronics That's why I Make Soo Many Projects, I’m currently Pursuing M Tech.. if you Relay Like To My Blog Plz Comment Below...Thanks To All Electronics Lover...❤️

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