Arduino Projects

Arduino Based Blind Stick With GPS And GSM

step by step guide how you make your own blind stick with GPS And GSM


Hi Friends In this Blog You Learn All About Blind Stick Using GPS And GSM modules. I Will Explain All The Things In Detail about How the Project Will Work.

  • The Amin Problem Of Blind People Is how to navigate their way to whenever they want to go. that’s such people need to blind find out the correct path.
  • The blind people put the ultrasonic Sensor in a cap and then move. The ultrasonic sensor put both sides front and back side, if the front ultrasonic sensor senses the obstacle the buzzer beeps which means they inform the Blind People is an obstacle in your front. if blind people move backside and back side ultrasonic sensor sense the obstacle that’s the time buzzer is beep in a different sound. then blind people listen to the sound and know the buzzer beep sound is easy to understand where is come obstacle.
  • Now the blind people carry the stick I just put the water sensor on the downside of the stick. if stick goo in water they inform the blind people is some water is a downside and is easily understood. if blind people facing some problem then just press the push button that’s the time GSM Send the text message to the parent’s mobile number Or Police Station With a Proper GPS Location.

Bill Of Materials

Here I put All the Component List Which I Used In this Project




Link To Buy


Arduino Nano



GSM Sim800l Module



LM2596 Step Down Conveter



GPS Neo-6m



HC-SR 04 Ultersonic Sensor



Water Sensor



Push Button






Zero PCB


Hardware Part

In This Project, I used the Arduino nano microcontroller Board Because is Small And is providing the Soo many pins.

IMG 1956 scaled e1670481117674

Screenshot 2022 12 03 at 5.51.48 PM

SIM800l Gsm module size is Also Small And Is Required 3.7 volts only

  • RX Pin-Connected To The D2 Pin
  • Tx Pin-Connected To The D3 Pin

Screenshot 2022 12 03 at 5.52.05 PM

  • LM2596 is a step-down converter that converts the 9v or 12v Dc Supply To 3.7 volts and GSM sim800l is required for the 3.7-volt Supply.

Screenshot 2022 12 03 at 5.52.48 PM

  • GPS Neo-6m Module This is also in small size and they work on the 5v DC Supply
  • RX Pin-Connected To The D10 Pin
  • Tx Pin-Connected To The D11 Pin

Screenshot 2022 12 03 at 5.52.59 PM

  • HC-sr04 Ultrasonic Sensor In this project I used 2 ultrasonic sensors that work on the 5v DC Supply

1. Ultrasonic Sensor

  • Vcc     5v
  • Echo  A0 Pin
  • Trig    A1 Pin
  • Gnd   Gnd

2. Ultrasonic Sensor

  • Vcc     5v
  • Echo  A2 Pin
  • Trig    A3 Pin
  • Gnd   Gnd

Screenshot 2022 12 03 at 5.53.11 PM

The water Sensor also Work On 5v if water touches the sensor that’s time sensor signal is High

  • VCC     5v
  • Signal A4
  • Gnd    Gnd

Screenshot 2022 12 03 at 5.53.44 PM

  • Push Button they Connected To The Pin Number D6

Screenshot 2022 12 03 at 5.54.13 PM

  • The buzzer will be connected to the PIN D8

Screenshot 2022 12 03 at 5.54.28 PM

  • In this Project we Used The 4×4 Zero Pcb I soldered All The Components In The zero PCB.

Screenshot 2022 12 03 at 5.54.38 PM

Circuit Diagram

This Circuit diagram I Make Of EasyEda Software If you want to make your Design just Visit The Site

Bind Stick


Screenshot 2022 12 07 at 11.58.42 PM

PCB Design

I hope You understand All The connections If you Dought Any Things Just Comment below on the blog I will try to explain them.

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Screenshot 2022 12 08 at 12.02.36 AM

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Screenshot 2022 12 08 at 12.03.45 AM

Screenshot 2022 12 08 at 12.03.06 AM

Source Code

  • Now I Test The code is working Properly you just change your mobile number

Screenshot 2022 12 08 at 11.21.22 AM

  • Here You Put Your Mobile Number

  • Here You Put Your Mobile Number

Project Demo

20220430 153656 scaled e1672076539395

20220430 153701 scaled e1672076583628




Hi, Prateek Here I’m interested in Electronics That's why I Make Soo Many Projects, I’m currently Pursuing M Tech.. if you Relay Like To My Blog Plz Comment Below...Thanks To All Electronics Lover...❤️

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