Raspberry Pi ProjectsRaspberry Pi Pico W Projects

Home Automation With Raspberry Pi Pico W


Hi Welcome To Our Website www.justdoelectronics.com, In This Blog, I will Explain Raspberry Pi Pico Based Home Automation. You Used Any Pico Module Like Raspberry Pi Pico Or Raspberry Pi Pico W.Both one is the Same Just Different The Wifi module Raspberry Pi Pico W is on Board Wifi Module.

If You Don’t Know Much More About To Raspberry Pi Pico W Then Plz Watch The Blog Fist Click Here

In This Project, I just used the Raspberry Pi Pico W Module, GSM Sim800l Module,2 Channel Module,3.7v Battery, Zero PCB And AC Load.

Our Project is working On the GSM(Global System for Mobile communication) When You Send a Text Message To Gsm Module SIM(Subscriber Identity Module) Card I Mean You Just Type LIGHT ON and send the GSM Module Received The Message And Turn On The LIGHT Relay If you Send Text Message To Again LIGHT OFF Gsm Module Received the Message And Turn Off The LIGHT Relay.

The same Conduction applies In A FAN Also You Type the Text Message FAN ON And Send GSM Received Message And Turn ON the Fan Relay you Type The Text Message FAN OFF And Send The GSM REcived Message And Turn Off The Fan Relay.

Raspberry Pi Pico W Pin Diagram:-

picow pinout


Bill of Materials


Component Name


Link To Buy


Raspberry Pi Pico W



GSM Sim800l



2 Channel Relay Module



3.7 V Battery



Zero PCB



AC Fan



These All Are the component which I used In this Project.









Wesolderingg All Thecomponentst in This Zero PCB Like Raspberry Pi Pico , GSM Sim800l Module And Relay Modul.

Circuit Diagram

File 1


PicoW Home Automation

PCB Design

Here I Design The Pcb Using EasyEda Software, We just Put the Images Like  Front Images of PCB, Back Images PCB,2D Images PCB And 3D Images of the PCB.

File 2

File 5

File 3

File 4

Source Code / Program

Here You Just Change The Mobile Number 

If you Want to Change the Message Format You just Change It here.


Demo Of Project

These All photos Show the Working of the project You Just See One By One.

You Just Type light on and Send the message to GSM Module

IMG 1978

GSM Module Send The Feedback message light is On And The Light Will be ON

IMG 1979

Just Send the Text Message light off 

IMG 1981

GSM Send the Feedback Message light is OFF and Our Light Will be OFF

IMG 1982

Ok Now We Just Send the text message fan To GSM Module

IMG 1984

GSM Module Send The Feedback Message fan is ON And You just see the fan it will be ON

IMG 1985

Again GSM Send The Text Message fan off to GSM Module

IMG 1986

GSM Module Received The Message And Sends the feedback Message fan is OFF And Fan Will be OFF

IMG 1988

Video Tutorial

Result Of Project

This Is The all Hardware Of The Projects

IMG 1990

IMG 1992

IMG 1996

IMG 1994

IMG 1987


Hi, Prateek Here I’m interested in Electronics That's why I Make Soo Many Projects, I’m currently Pursuing M Tech.. if you Relay Like To My Blog Plz Comment Below...Thanks To All Electronics Lover...❤️

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