Arduino Projects

Fingerprint Based Voting System Using Arduino

Voting System Using Arduino


In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating a secure and user-friendly voting system using Arduino, along with an R307 fingerprint sensor, a 16×2 LCD display, and a push button. By integrating biometric fingerprint recognition, clear visual feedback, and a simple user interface, we can develop an efficient and reliable voting system.

Fingerprint Based Voting System Using Arduino5

Component Need





Arduino Nano



16x2 LCD Display



R-307 Fingerprint Sensor



Push Button



Red Led



Green Led






Zero PCB



Power Supply



  • System Overview: The system uses an Arduino board as the main controller along with a fingerprint sensor module, an LCD display, push buttons, LEDs, and a buzzer. The Arduino communicates with the fingerprint sensor module to verify the identity of the voters.
  • Enrollment Process: Before the voting process begins, voters need to enrol their fingerprints. The Fingerprints are to be stored in the EEPROM memory.
  • Voting Process: Once the enrollment is complete, the voting process can begin. Voters place their fingers on the fingerprint sensor, and the system verifies their identity by matching the captured fingerprint with the stored fingerprints in the EEPROM.
  • Security and Authentication: The fingerprint sensor provides a high level of security and authentication, as each person’s fingerprint is unique.
  • Vote Counting: The system keeps track of the votes by updating the vote count in the EEPROM. The LCD display shows the current vote counts for each candidate.
  • System Reset: The system includes a reset functionality that allows all stored fingerprints and vote counts to be cleared, providing a fresh start for a new voting session.

Circuit Diagram 

Circuit Diagram 36

  • Arduino board: This is the main microcontroller board that controls the entire system.
  • LiquidCrystal: Here we used a 16×2 LCD display. The LCD display is connected to the Arduino board using six digital pins (12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7).
  • Adafruit Fingerprint Sensor: This is a fingerprint sensor module used for fingerprint identification. It communicates with the Arduino board over the serial interface.
  • Push buttons: The code defines several push buttons connected to the Arduino board. The pins used for these buttons are defined as enroll, del, up, down, match, sw1, sw2, sw3, and resultsw. These buttons are used for various functions such as enrolling fingerprints, deleting fingerprints, and controlling the voting process.
  • LEDs: The code uses LEDs to indicate the status of the system. The pins used for the LEDs are defined as indVote and indFinger.
  • Buzzer: A buzzer is used to provide audio feedback. The pin used for the buzzer is defined as buzzer.
  • EEPROM: The code utilizes EEPROM memory to store voting records and other data.

Source Code

Important Library

GitHub e1697076839430

Demo Photo

When turned on the system the LCD will display the welcome message and is ready to used.

Fingerprint Based Voting System Using Arduino3

If the fingerprint Sensor is detected properly Then the LCD will display a Module Found message.

Fingerprint Based Voting System Using Arduino1

Now you enrol your fingers one by one with the serial number

Fingerprint Based Voting System Using Arduino2



The Fingerprint-based Voting System using Arduino offers a reliable and secure method for conducting voting processes. By using fingerprint authentication, it ensures that each person can vote only once and reduces the risk of fraudulent activities. However, it is important to consider additional security measures and legal requirements when implementing such a system in real-world scenarios.

Arduino Based Projects


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