Arduino Projects

RFID Based Attendance System using Arduino, RTC & LCD Display


In this project, we are going to build an RFID-based attendance system using Arduino nano.

The RFID-based attendance system is a very interesting project which can be used in different places like Schools, colleges And Companies.

The RFID-based attendance management system can be designed using Different types of microcontrollers like Arduino Nano, AVR, PIC Controller And Raspberry Pi etc.

The RFID Attendance system is based on some simple concepts we store RFID tag Numbers in a code. When the person put the correct RFID Card in our system, RFID Reader Read the Tag. His Time Arrival time will be stored on the system. when we scan the RFID Card again. the system will display the leaving time & is find out the total working time Hours.

Here We Also Chek More Attendance System Projects

Our Project Features

  • Display the current time and date on the 20×4 LCD Display along with an option for the menu.
  • Save Arrival Time and Leaving Time Details of an Arduino EEPROM.
  • Find Out the total working hours of all users & Provide Options in the Menu for Retrieving it.

Bill of Material




Link To Buy


Arduino nano



20x4 LCD Display



EM-18 Rfid Module



DS3231 RTC Module



Push Button



Red Led



Green Led






Zero PCB



Arduino Nano

Components2 1

20×4 LCD Display

12 1

EM-18 Reader Module




Push Button

19 1


11 1

Zero PCB

13 1

Circuit Diagram

Here is a full circuit diagram of our projects, when we scan the card the name of the person is displayed in the 20×4 LCD Display.

the 20×4 LCD Display will be connected to the i2c Protocol and only 4 pin connection

  • GND – GND
  • VCC – 5V
  • A4 – SDA
  • A5 – SCL

And EM-18 Module is connected to the Tx Pin of The RFID module is connected to the Rx Pin of Arduino.

The Push Button Will be connected to the Pin Numbers A0, A1, A2, and A3 they used for selecting the menu and different options within the menu. The Arduino pins to which the buttons are connected are configured as the Input_Pullup within the program.

The RTC Module that we used here is DS3231 Module And they are also connected to the i2c Protocol, Like Pin numbers A4 and A5.

the red led and green led will indicate whether the person put in the correct card or not if the person put in the card at that time the green led will glow and if a person put in the wrong card that’s time the green led will glow .and they connected to the pin number 9 and 8.

we also connected to the small buzzer which indicates whether the card was put in the reader or not and they connected to pin number 7.

Rfid Based Atttendance System

Source Code

before uploading the code fist some libraries required

  • “LiquidCrysal_I2C.h”
  • “EEPROM.h”
  • “wire. h”

Now first We Find out the Rfid Tag Number With the help of the Code

  • Then we put the RFID Tag number in the code and then upload the final Code in A Arduino Nano

Demo Of Projects

RFID Based Attendance System7

RFID Based Attendance System5

RFID Based Attendance System0

RFID Based Attendance System2

RFID Based Attendance System1

RFID Based Attendance System3

RFID Based Attendance System8

RFID Based Attendance System4

RFID Based Attendance System6

Video Tutorial



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