
A sensor is a device that detects and responds to physical, chemical, or environmental changes and converts them into a digital signal. Sensors are used in various fields now we will interface all the sensors with different microcontrollers.

MAX30100 Sensor

Introduction  In this article, we explore the max30100 sensor that measures heart rate and pulse oximetry in the human body.…

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DS18B20 Sensor

Introduction The DS18B20 sensor is a popular and versatile digital temperature sensor widely used in various industries and applications. It’s…

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MQ-3 Sensor

Introduction The MQ-3 sensor is a gas sensor module that is commonly used to detect alcohol vapour concentration in the…

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DHT11,DHT22 Sensor

Introduction In this article, we interface The DHT11  temperature and humidity sensor is commonly used in college projects to find…

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LM35 Sensor

Introduction In this article, we discuss the LM35 temperature sensor. the lm35 sensor is analog sensor and its accuracy is…

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Ultrasonic Sensor (HC-SR04)

Introduction In This Article, we will discuss the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor the ultrasonic sensor is measuring the distance with respect…

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BMP-180 Sensor With Arduino

Introduction In This article, we learn about the BMP180 Sensor we will try to explain the BMP180 sensor on my…

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