
Hi, Prateek Here I’m interested in Electronics That's why I Make Soo Many Projects, I’m currently Pursuing M Tech.. if you Relay Like To My Blog Plz Comment Below...Thanks To All Electronics Lover...❤️
Soil Moisture Sensors

Soil Moisture Sensors

Introduction Moisture sensors are electronic devices designed to measure and monitor the moisture content of various substances or environments. Here…
Load Cell & HX711 Module

Load Cell & HX711 Module

Introduction Load Cell: A load cell is a device used to measure force or weight. It is commonly used in…
ZMPT101B Voltage Sensor

ZMPT101B Voltage Sensor

Introduction The ZMPT101B is a voltage sensor commonly used in electronic projects to measure alternating current (AC) voltages. It is…
SCT-013 Sensor

SCT-013 Sensor

Introduction  The SCT-013 is a non-invasive AC current sensor that is commonly used for measuring alternating current (AC) in various…
MAX30100 Sensor

MAX30100 Sensor

Introduction  In this article, we explore the max30100 sensor that measures heart rate and pulse oximetry in the human body.…
DS18B20 Sensor

DS18B20 Sensor

Introduction The DS18B20 sensor is a popular and versatile digital temperature sensor widely used in various industries and applications. It’s…
MQ-3 Sensor

MQ-3 Sensor

Introduction The MQ-3 sensor is a gas sensor module that is commonly used to detect alcohol vapour concentration in the…
DHT11,DHT22 Sensor

DHT11,DHT22 Sensor

Introduction In this article, we interface The DHT11  temperature and humidity sensor is commonly used in college projects to find…
Smart Bike Safety Alert System Using Arduino
Arduino Projects

Smart Bike Safety Alert System Using Arduino

Introduction The Smart Bike Helmet is designed to enhance the safety of cyclists by incorporating various sensors and communication modules…
Motion Alert With ESP32 CAM (Text SMS + PHOTO)
ESP32 Cam Projects

Motion Alert With ESP32 CAM (Text SMS + PHOTO)

Introduction A motion alert system is a valuable addition to any security setup, providing real-time notifications when motion is detected.…
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