Water Level Sensor Tutorial
Arduino Projects
Water Level Sensor Tutorial
Introduction In this article, we design a simple water level monitoring system is measures the water level & displays it…
Temperature and Humidity monitoring with Blynk Cloud
Esp32 Projects
Temperature and Humidity monitoring with Blynk Cloud
Introduction In this Tutorial, we discuss about DIY weather stations That Monitor temperature and humidity Values and view them on…
Home Automation With ESP32
Esp32 Projects
Home Automation With ESP32
Introduction In this Article, We Try To Build An ESP32-based Home Automation With the new Blynk App.We control the home…
Temperature Based Fan Speed Controll
Arduino Projects
Temperature Based Fan Speed Controll
Introduction In This Article, We try to Build Temperature Based Fan Speed control with the Help Of the DHT11 Sensor…
Sign Language to Text Conversion Using Flex Sensor
Arduino Projects
Sign Language to Text Conversion Using Flex Sensor
Introduction In this article, I explain how I made an Arduino-based Sign Language to Text Conversion project to help Deaf…
Home automation using arduino and bluetooth
Arduino Projects
Home automation using arduino and bluetooth
Introduction In this article, I will explain how you used blutooth module and do your own Home Automation Project. Home…
Vehicle Accident Alert System Using Accelerometer
Arduino Projects
Vehicle Accident Alert System Using Accelerometer
Introduction In This Article, we design a Vehicle Accident Alert System using an ADXL-335 Sensor, Measuring the Impact of the…
ESP32 LM35 Temperature Sensor
Esp32 Projects
ESP32 LM35 Temperature Sensor
Introduction In this Article, we interface the LM35 Sensor with the ESP32 Board And Display the Reading in the serial…
ESP32 DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor
Esp32 Projects
ESP32 DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor
Introduction In this article we interface the DHT11 sensor with the ESP32 Board and display reading in Serial monitor,16×2 LCD…
How To Make A DIY Arduino Joystick Control Car
Arduino Projects
How To Make A DIY Arduino Joystick Control Car
Introduction Hi Friend Welcome Back, In this Article, we designed an RF Small Robot car with the help of an…